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COVID-19: Artificial Intelligence Xray App

COVID-19: Xray Insights App

App Link:

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads rapidly, it’d be very helpful if patients are diagnosed as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, there are no quick ways to diagnose the COVID-19 infection.
However, we might be able to utilize AI to “predict” COVID-19 infection in pneumonia patients.
Hence, I created this AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) based app that can be utilized by doctors to predict COVID-19 infection in their patients, just by using their Xrays.

I trained the model using Tensorflow and Keras, and then converted the Keras model to TensorflowJS layers api model.
Then I implemented the model in my web app. I used the COVID-19 public dataset created by Dr. Cohen from University of Montreal.

Tensorflow Keras

My app is currently giving a theoretical accuracy of >99% using my implemented model.

More Info in the following video:


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